Sunday, July 15, 2007

Steven Wolk on 'Why go to School?'

The May 2007 issue of Phi Delta Kappan has a wonderful article written by Steven Wolk entitled “Why go to School?”. It is a critique of what we are teaching and how we are teaching. In the article, he states the following: “If the purpose of our schools is to prepare drones to keep the U.S. economy going, then the prevailing curricula and instructional methods are probably adequate. If, however, we want to help students become thoughtful, caring citizens who might be creative enough to figure out how to change the status quo rather than maintain it, we need to rethink schooling entirely.” Mr. Wolk outlines what he considers to be the essential content for a new curriculum. The essence of what the article states is similar to the essence of the early writings found in this blog.

Phi Delta Kappan - 'Why go to School' by Steven Wolk


Blogger Tony Hall said...

This takes me back to reading Ivan Illich and deschooling society in the 70s. Recently I came across this report on 21st century learning - -
which suggests some big changes are needed in our outmoded education systems.

11:47 AM  

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